How do I support my baby’s sleep when they’re sick?

We’re right in the thick of winter, and coupled with a few years of lockdown - this winter has been brutal with viral illnesses going around.

So the chances are that at some point your baby will pick up something which will make them feel yucky and will likely interfere with their sleep - coughs, fevers, runny noses, discomfort - it’ll all affect sleep.

Do here are your DO’s and DON”T’s of ensuring your baby sleeps as best as they can when they’re sick

Lets start with the DO’s


  • Hydrate. Breastmilk, infant formula, water (if on solids) are important. Its ok if they are less interested in solids, and they may want to feed more often

  • Manage fevers and pain

  • Reduce awake time if they need it

  • Allow them to sleep longer during the day

  • Allow more naps if needed (especially if they are short)

  • Assist naps and support their sleep as much as they need


  • Worry about “bad habits”

  • Start any new sleep routines or settling methods

  • Make any new big changes

  • Wake them for pain relief/fever medications. It is more important that they sleep. If your baby is on prescribed medications these may be more time sensitive so check with the Dr who prescribed them.

REMEMBER, having a sick baby/toddler is really hard work.

Ask for help and accept any help that is offered.

You’ve got this!


Help! My baby is waking every 2 hours