Help! My baby is waking every 2 hours

One of the most common emails or DM’s on my socials goes something like this,…

“Help!!! My baby is x months old, and they’ve started waking every 2 hours overnight and I’m exhausted”

Sound familiar?

Let’s break down the common causes of frequent night wakes (assuming that there is no underlying medical reason that your baby is waking)

  • They’re going through a sleep regression (aka PROgression) and their brain is developing like crazy

  • They are dependant on you (or another caregiver) to put them to sleep (eg feeding, patting, rocking to sleep)

  • Their daytime sleep routine is NOT supportive of their night time sleep. They may be sleeping too little during the day and going to bed overtired, they may be catnapping or they may be getting too much day sleep and do not have enough sleep pressure to transition into their next sleep cycle overnight.

  • Their sleep environment is not set up for good quality sleep

Now that you know WHY, lets talk about how you can help your baby sleep longer…

  • If it’s a sleep regression/progression, it’s usually due to rapid brain development. Ensuring that your baby/toddler is getting plenty of time to practice and master their new skills is essential. Unrestrained floor play is key.

  • If they are dependant on you or another caregiver to get them to sleep, it may be time to consider if you want to change this or not. Being ready is the key, as all sleep changes take time, patience and consistency.

  • If their daytime sleep routine is not supportive of their night sleep, I have the perfect cheat sheet to help you out. Download it free here

  • If you’re not sure about their sleep environment, think ‘cave like’. We want it to be cool but not cold, dark and quiet (constant white noise is great though) and we definitely want to make sure they are dressed to keep them comfortable for the room temperature

Use these as a mental check list - it can really help to narrow down what is going on with your little one.

If thinking about making changes is too stressful, you don’t know where to start or your tired brain just wants the solution given straight to you.. let me help! My phone consultation and support package is perfect for you, and you can read all about it here


How do I support my baby’s sleep when they’re sick?


How to: transition from Two naps to One