How to: transition from Two naps to One

Just when it all felt like it was going smoothly, your toddler is now showing you that they are ready for yet another nap transition - hello one nap per day.

If you’ve been wondering how to manage this transition - here is your guide!

  1. Timing is everything

    Make sure that your toddler is READY to transition. Its a big jump in awake time - form around 3 or so hours awake to managing 5 hours awake! Its massive, so wait until they are showing you that they are ready, not just based on their age. The typical range to drop to 1 nap is between 15 and 18 months old, but I have worked with families who have done this between 14 and 20 months. Readiness is key. My free guide has all the signs of readiness in it - grab it here if you done have it already

  2. Its ok to go back and forth

    They may happily have 1 nap on some days and other days need 2 - be flexible here and follow your baby’s lead. Most nap transitions take a few weeks to complete

  3. Get them outside in the morning and afternoon if possible

    Vitamin D and getting outdoors will be your best friend when it comes to extending their awake time, and setting their circadian rhythm

  4. Lunch will need to be earlier, so adjust all meals and milk feeds

    When naps change timing, so do all feeds. Ensuing they have a good nap in the middle of the day relies on having a good lunch, so make sure you are bringing their lunch time forward to make sure they have time to eat before they get too tired

  5. An early bedtime is a great option whilst you make the transition

    Early bedtimes are a temporary measure to prevent a baby from becoming overtired. This is a great way to gently extend their awake time out until they can go back to their previous bedtimes, again flexibility is the key here.

  6. Lastly, be calm and consistent

    If you’ve been here for awhile you’ll know that this is always my advice, and thats because whilst it is difficult sometime, kids thrive on consistency!

If you’ve bee really struggling with the transition and are experiencing any of the following:

  • Early rising

  • Short naps

  • Frequent night wakes….

Why not book in or a consultation so that we can get you and your toddler the sleep that you both need. Book in here


Help! My baby is waking every 2 hours


The secret to great naps